Ut a welding auxilia fabrica, in welding cylinder tabellarius est saepe propter gyratorius opus variis cylindrici et conica weldments. Potest cooperari cum scutellas positionem ad animadverto quod internum et externum circumferential ramum welding workpieces. In the face of the continuous development of welding equipment, the welding roller carrier is also constantly improving, but no matter how it is improved, the operating procedures of the welding roller carrier are basically the same.
Inspectionem ante usum Welding Rollerus Carrier
I. Reprehendo utrum externum amet occurrit requisita et non interficit aliena;
III. Reprehendo utrum in fulminibus ad invicem mechanica nexu sunt solutam. Si solvuntur obstringere ante usum
IV. Reprehendo utrum sint sundries in duce rail de coupling apparatus et an hydrau ratio operatur Northmanni;
V. Reprehendo an cylindro rotat Northmanni.
Operating instructiones ad Welding Rollerus Carrier
III. Centrum Centrum Focal Duo coetibus sustineat scutulis ad LX ° ± V ° cum centro cylindri. Si cylindri gravibus, tutela cogitationes addi ne cylindri evacuantur cum conuertitur.
IV. Si necesse est accommodare welding cylinder carrier, oportet ferri cum cylinder tabellarius sit stabilis.
5. When starting the motor, first close the two pole switch in the control box, turn on the power, and then press the “forward rotation” or “reverse rotation” button according to the welding requirements. Ut prohibere in gyrationis, premere "subsisto" deprimendo. If the rotation direction needs to be changed midway, the direction can be adjusted by pressing the “Stop” button, and the power supply of the speed control box is turned on. Celeritas motricium regitur per celeritatem imperium knob in potestate arca.
VII. Quilibet subcinctus debet esse repleti lubricating oleum et lubricating oleum in se Turbine arca archa et afferentem erit sedatus iugiter; Zg1-5 calcium basis uncto et adhiberi ut afferentem lubricating oleum, et modum regularis postea erit adoptetur.
DECAUTUM ad usum Welding Rollerus Carrier
1. After the workpiece is hoisted on the roller frame, first observe whether the position is appropriate, whether the workpiece is close to the roller, and whether there is any foreign matter on the workpiece that hinders the rotation. Post confirmat quod omne est normalis, quod operatio potest coepi formaliter;
II. Turn in potestatem switch, satus in cylindro gyrationis et adjust in cylindro rotationis celeritate ad requiritur celeritate;
III. Cum necesse mutare rotationem directionem workpiece torcular vicissim conjunctionem post motor sistit omnino;
VI. Et exterioris superficies Flexilis rotam non contactus cum ignis fontibus et mordacis substantiis;
Post tempus: Nov, 08-2022